CIL aims to expand EV fleet to 681 by FY2025-26

01 Feb 2024

Coal India, a state-owned enterprise, aims to increase the number of electric vehicles (e-vehicles) at its mines from the current 178 to 681 by the fiscal year 2025-26, as announced by the government. In a written response to the Lok Sabha, Coal and Mines Minister Pralhad Joshi stated that Coal India is actively focusing on the adoption of electric vehicles across different mines and subsidiary headquarters.

Presently, Coal India has 178 e-vehicles in operation, Minister Joshi confirmed. The ambitious target for the total number of e-vehicles by the fiscal year 2025-26 is set at 681, according to the minister.

To address environmental concerns and reduce carbon emissions in mining operations, Coal India Limited has undertaken various initiatives, one of which involves the widespread deployment of electric vehicles across all its subsidiary companies, Minister Joshi added. It's noteworthy that Coal India Limited holds a significant share, over 80%, in the domestic coal output.

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