Deadline Extended for R&D Proposals in Green Hydrogen Mission

01 Apr 2024

In a notable move to advance innovation within the renewable energy domain, the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy has announced an extension for the submission of research and development (R&D) proposals under the National Green Hydrogen Mission. Originally slated for an earlier closure, the deadline has now been shifted to April 27, 2024, providing additional time for researchers and institutions to contribute to the development of green hydrogen in India.

The extension follows requests from various stakeholders for more time to prepare their proposals adequately. This move ensures that high-quality and innovative projects can be thoroughly developed and submitted. It aligns with the government's broader strategy to promote the use of green hydrogen, a pivotal clean energy source crucial for India's pursuit of energy self-sufficiency and carbon emissions reduction.

The National Green Hydrogen Mission, launched with a total outlay of Rs 197.44 billion until the financial year 2029-30, aims to position India as a global hub for the production, utilization, and export of green hydrogen and its derivatives. The mission encompasses a comprehensive array of activities, ranging from the advancement of production technologies to the establishment of a supportive ecosystem for large-scale, cost-effective green hydrogen utilization.

Under this mission, the R&D scheme, outlined in guidelines released on March 15, 2024, and endowed with a budget of Rs 4 billion until the financial year 2025-26, emphasizes enhancing the affordability, efficiency, safety, and reliability of green hydrogen technologies. Encompassing the entire value chain, including production, storage, transportation, and utilization, the scheme encourages collaborations among industry, academia, and government to foster an innovation-centric environment.

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