EAM Jaishankar: India Safeguards Global Shipping

01 May 2024

During a recent address, External Affairs Minister (EAM) Jaishankar emphasised India's significant contribution to safeguarding international shipping, revealing that 21 of India's ships are currently engaged in this critical task. This assertion underscores India's commitment to maintaining maritime security and upholding its responsibilities as a key player in global shipping protection efforts.

India's substantial presence in safeguarding international shipping reflects its maritime prowess and its dedication to promoting peace and stability in the maritime domain. With 21 ships actively involved in this endeavour, India plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of vital sea lanes and facilitating smooth maritime trade flows worldwide.

EAM Jaishankar's remarks highlight the importance of India's maritime capabilities in addressing contemporary security challenges and maintaining a secure and stable maritime environment. By actively participating in international shipping protection efforts, India reinforces its commitment to upholding maritime security norms and fostering cooperation among maritime nations.

The deployment of Indian ships to safeguard international shipping underscores the country's proactive approach to maritime security and its readiness to contribute to global security initiatives. As a responsible maritime nation, India remains steadfast in its commitment to protecting the seas and promoting regional and global stability.

In conclusion, EAM Jaishankar's acknowledgment of India's role in protecting international shipping underscores the country's significant contributions to maritime security and its commitment to upholding peace and stability in the maritime domain.

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