FPIs Show Interest in REITs and InvITs, Fulfill Prior Commitments

01 Mar 2024

Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) have exhibited a keen interest in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs) while fulfilling their earlier commitments. This trend underscores FPIs' confidence in India's urban infrastructure and real estate sectors, signalling a positive outlook for investment and development opportunities.

The active engagement of FPIs in REITs and InvITs aligns with the Indian government's objective to attract foreign investment and stimulate infrastructure growth. It also signifies the growing attractiveness of India's capital markets and the appeal of REITs and InvITs as viable investment avenues.

As FPIs finalise their previous commitments and redirect their investments toward REITs and InvITs, stakeholders in the urban infrastructure and real estate sectors can anticipate increased capital inflows and improved liquidity. This shift augurs well for the advancement of critical infrastructure projects and the expansion of India's real estate market.

The embrace of REITs and InvITs by FPIs underscores the potential of these investment instruments to drive growth and innovation in India's urban infrastructure landscape. It also underscores the country's emergence as a preferred destination for foreign capital in the infrastructure and real estate sectors.

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