GVMC Targets June Finish for Smart City

01 Jan 2024

The Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation (GVMC) has set an ambitious target to complete its Smart City project by June. This initiative reflects GVMC's dedication to urban transformation, incorporating innovative technologies and sustainable development to enhance the overall infrastructure and quality of life in Visakhapatnam.

The June deadline signals a focused and time-bound approach by GVMC to realise the objectives of the Smart City project. By leveraging smart technologies, the project aims to improve urban services, enhance civic amenities, and create a more sustainable and efficient urban environment for the residents of Visakhapatnam.

The Smart City project encompasses various facets of urban development, including infrastructure, mobility, public services, and environmental sustainability. GVMC's commitment to completing the project within the stipulated timeframe underscores the urgency and importance of adopting smart solutions to address the evolving needs of an urban population.

As GVMC works towards the June deadline, the Smart City project is expected to serve as a model for urban development, showcasing how technology and strategic planning can contribute to creating smarter, more livable cities. The initiative aligns with the broader national vision for smart urbanisation, emphasising the role of technology in building sustainable and resilient cities for the future.

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