India’s electricity demand peaks in August

01 Aug 2023

India experienced a surge in electricity demand last week due to hot weather and increased irrigation needs in areas with lower monsoon rainfall. The peak demand reached a historic high of 234 GW on August 17, surpassing the power ministry's predicted 229 GW for the summer.

Unexpected rain in May resulted in lower temperatures and a maximum demand of 221.7 GW, while June saw a peak of 223 GW. August witnessed additional high demands, with August 10 reaching 224.8 GW and August 11 hitting 228.9 GW.

The rise in demand was attributed to both economic activity and climatic factors, particularly the dry conditions in certain regions combined with humid weather. Cooling appliances and irrigation emerged as significant contributors to the heightened demand.

Rainfall patterns varied across the country, with delayed rain in some parts of northwest and peninsular India, while east central and northeast regions experienced heavy rainfall, according to a government official. Overall, the combination of weather dynamics and economic activities played a role in the unprecedented electricity demand.

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