Jewar's 5,000 hectares: Industrial & residential boom

01 Jan 2024

Jewar, a burgeoning hub on the outskirts of Delhi, is poised for a transformative metamorphosis with the acquisition of 5,000 hectares near its airport. This strategic move signals a monumental shift, opening vistas for extensive industrial and residential development. The government's ambitious plan aims to leverage the proximity to the airport, fostering economic growth and urban expansion.

The industrial landscape is set to witness a profound transformation, with the earmarked land providing a canvas for diverse enterprises. The ripple effect is expected to generate employment opportunities, stimulate economic activities, and bolster the region's standing as a key industrial player.

Simultaneously, the residential sector is primed for a facelift, offering a blend of modern living and strategic convenience. As urbanisation takes centre stage, the development is envisioned to cater to the growing demands of a dynamic population.

This colossal undertaking aligns with Jewar's aspirations to emerge as a prominent player on the national stage. The convergence of industrial and residential development is a testament to the holistic vision driving this initiative

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