New Delhi NCR metro project: Lite metro 14.5 km route revealed

01 Apr 2024

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, in his address, laid emphasis on ensuring the seamless accessibility of the upcoming Noida International Airport and Film City, currently under development in Jewar, Uttar Pradesh. He articulated his commitment to ensuring that citizens from every corner of the nation would encounter no hindrances in reaching these significant locations. The essence of his vision was encapsulated in the idea of a robust and efficient transportation network connecting these key hubs.

To materialize Chief Minister Adityanath's vision, a meticulously crafted Detailed Project Report (DPR) has been meticulously crafted. This DPR delineates the intricate workings of a light metro system stretching from Film City to the Jewar International Airport, spanning an impressive 14.5 kilometers. This innovative transit system promises not only swift and reliable travel but also integrates both rapid rail and regular metro services, offering commuters a comprehensive and versatile mode of transportation.

The overarching objective of this ambitious endeavour is to revolutionize connectivity and streamline transportation infrastructure, thereby enhancing convenience and efficiency for the populace. By facilitating easy access to these vital nodes of economic and cultural activity, the plan seeks to catalyse growth and development while simultaneously minimising logistical complexities and maximizing socio-economic benefits for all stakeholders involved. In essence, it represents a forward-looking approach towards fostering sustainable progress and prosperity in the region.

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