NTPC Renewable Energy invites bids for 1.2 GW Wind Power Project in AP

01 Nov 2023

NTPC Renewable Energy is seeking bids for the supply of the balance of system (BoS) package for 1.2 GW inter-state transmission system (ISTS)-connected wind power projects in Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh. The project also includes a 300 MW greenshoe option. The deadline for bid submissions is December 27, 2023, with bid opening scheduled for the same day.

Bid submissions must be accompanied by a bid security declaration. The project's scope encompasses design, engineering, micro-siting, manufacturing, supply, erection, testing, commissioning, and ensuring guaranteed performance parameters for the installation of wind projects with a capacity of 3 MW and above. This spans from 33kV internal evacuation lines from the unit substation to the ISTS substation.

However, the supply, civil works, and installation of wind turbine generators, unit substations, and SCADA are not within the scope of this package. Interested bidders should have secured land or micro-sited wind turbines for projects with a cumulative installed capacity of 40 MW or higher, with at least one project of 10 MW or more in operation for a minimum of six months before the bid opening date.

Alternatively, bidders should have executed an industrial project in the last decade as a developer or an engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contractor in sectors such as power, steel, oil, gas, petrochemical, fertiliser, cement, coal mining, or any other process industry. The projects should meet specified financial criteria based on capacity.

Bidders are required to have executed at least one electrical substation with a voltage level of 33 kV or higher, including equipment like circuit breakers and power transformers. The average annual turnover for any three financial years out of the preceding five, as of the bid opening date, should meet specified financial figures based on the quoted capacity.

Additionally, bidders must have a positive net worth on the last day of the preceding financial year. Only wind turbine generator models listed in the Revised List of Models and Manufacturers issued by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy are eligible for deployment.

NTPC Renewable Energy had previously issued tenders for land and power evacuation packages to develop ISTS-connected solar projects in Andhra Pradesh, along with inviting bids for the BoS package for a 1,080 MW ISTS-connected wind energy project in Karnataka.

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