Investing in employee development is integral to our long-term success

Investing in employee development is integral to our long-term success

Kindly elaborate upon the company's upskilling initiatives. At Welspun Enterprises, upskilling initiatives have been implemented as part of our workforce development strategy to address skill gaps, enhance employee capabilities and foster continuous learning and adaptability. ...

Kindly elaborate upon the company's upskilling initiatives. At Welspun Enterprises, upskilling initiatives have been implemented as part of our workforce development strategy to address skill gaps, enhance employee capabilities and foster continuous learning and adaptability. Skill gap assessment: We begin our upskilling journey with a meticulous skill gap assessment to identify specific skills and knowledge gaps, enabling us to create a structured plan for targeted training programmes and resource allocation. Technical training programmes and workshops: Implementation of such training programmes and workshops is a core element of our strategy. These initiatives are complemented by hands-on and on-the-job coaching. Specialised workshops cover a spectrum of topics, including the deployment of new technologies, utilisation of digital platforms, safety protocols and mentorship programmes for effective knowledge transfer. Change management and cultivating a learning culture: To mitigate risks associated with poor workmanship and secure long-term success we have implemented effective change management strategies. Simultaneously, we actively foster a culture of learning and adaptability throughout the organisation, ensuring that our workforce is adept at navigating evolving industry landscapes. Tailored learning and development programmes: Our programmes are intricately crafted following rigorous training-need assessments which culminate in individual development plans and action learning projects, empowering employees to apply newfound knowledge in the workplace. ‘Grow Your Own Timber’ initiative: We nurture internal talent through initiatives like ‘Grow Your Own Timber’ to ensure a steady flow of skilled professionals from within our organisation to address specific skill requirements and to promote career growth. Annual training commitment: Our commitment to employee development extends to a minimum of three person-days of training for every employee annually. This commitment holds weightage and accounts for 10 per cent in their annual assessment process. To meet these targets, we leverage both traditional classroom settings as well as technology-based learning platforms. On-the-job skill development for subcontractors: Recognising their role in project execution, we established on-the-job skill development programmes. These initiatives have positively impacted the lives of over 1,000 employees, contributing to the overall growth and competence of our extended workforce. Investing in development of our employees is not only a strategic imperative but also integral to our long-term success. How can HR policies expand upon India's growth potential? Some of our country’s growth engines for the next decade or so include our large consumer base, immense infrastructure development including rural development, low-cost manufacturing advantage, software development skills, technology adoption and a thriving start-up ecosystem. Hence, we need to devise and implement HR policies that support new skill development, technology adoption, supporting rural development through better-networked workplaces and incubation of start-ups. How is AI used in HR processes? Here is an overview of our innovative approach to leveraging AI for efficiency and effectiveness: Recruitment and talent acquisition (Tina BOT) Resume screening: AI algorithms swiftly analyse and screen resumes, identifying candidates whose qualifications align with job requirements. Chatbots for initial interaction: AI-powered chatbots engage potential candidates, answer queries and collect basic info before human intervention. Candidate sourcing: AI tools analyse online databases to identify candidates, aiding in building a talent pipeline. Video interview process: AI analyses facial expressions, tone of voice and language during video interviews to assess candidate suitability. Automated interview scheduling: AI-powered tools coordinate interview schedules, considering the availability of candidates and interviewers. Employee onboarding (CHITTI BOT): AI-driven onboarding automate administrative tasks such as paperwork and training modules, allowing HR professionals to focus on strategic aspects. Surveys and sentiment analysis (Amber BOT): AI analyses employee feedback and sentiment through surveys to gauge overall satisfaction and engagement levels. HR analytics and reporting: AI-powered analytic tools process vast amounts of HR data to generate insights on workforce demographics, turnover rates and other key metrics, facilitating data-driven decision-making. Chatbots for HR services (CHITTI BOT): Equipped with natural language processing they assist employees with HR-related queries, provide policy information and guide them through HR processes. Welspun is yet to leverage AI in: Personalised learning plans: AI algorithms can recommend personalised learning and development plans based on individual employee performance and career goals. Performance management: AI can help perform predictive analytics on historical performance data to predict future trends and identify potential areas for improvement. AI can also undertake 360° feedback analysis, providing a comprehensive view of an employee's performance. Employee well-being: For mental health support, AI-driven applications can monitor stress levels, identify signs of burnout and suggest interventions. AI can also personalise health and wellness programmes based on individual employee needs. Workforce planning: AI can analyse workforce data to predict future skill gaps, turnover rates and trends, enabling proactive addressing of potential issues. Diversity and inclusion: AI can help identify and mitigate biases in recruitment and promotion. In our pursuit of innovation and excellence, incorporation of AI bots into our hiring process and employee engagement efforts has proven invaluable. The Engagement Bot addresses employee concerns promptly, preventing regrettable attrition. Additionally, the employee self-service BOTs contribute to a more responsive HR ecosystem. What measures has your company implemented for talent retention? I believe talent leaves the company for two reasons: Career growth and higher compensation. However, the trigger is repeated unpleasant experiences. Our first aim is to provide a good experience so that we can diffuse the triggers of attrition. We try to address concerns through improved policies, better people management practices and fostering a fun-filled workplace. In addition, we assess growth potential and as part of a large conglomerate we can offer horizontal and vertical growth. We also offer competitive compensation and benefits. Having said that, today India is offering tremendous new opportunities to the right talent. We are ready to embrace some attrition and have developed robust hiring capabilities to deal with the same.

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